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ClickTris is a classical tetris game.
Author: SoftAKGames

Download ClickTris 1.65 (957 KB)

Description of ClickTris.

ClickTris is a classical tetris game. During all game many pieces fall from top of window. Piece falls until it lands on anoter piece or bottomof window. When pieces form horisontal line, this line erises and all pieces above fall down. You earn 10 points for every vanished line and extra 10 points if you vanish more lines. Game ends if there are no new place for new pieces. You can move pieces when they fall.


ClickTris is a classical tetris game. ClickTris is a classical tetris game.


- Windows 95/98/NT4/2000/Me/XP/Vista
- PC with 80486 processor (Pentium recommended)
- 8 Mb of RAM (32 MB recommended)
- Mouse
- 3.5 Mb of free hard disk space
- 256-color (or higher) display (True Color or High Color recommended)